

Told my Fiancé to check the cameras because I saw a ghost.

Arthur does what now?…

Who wore it better?

This error I got on Instagram when checking some profile

Swedish commentary on the recent Fed interest rate adjustment

Learn 2 make signs professional 😭

*Plays CoD on Veteran difficulty once, applies to job*

Sir Mix-a-Lot

That's the definition of a zebra crossing.

hiding spot

American comedian butchers Norwegian names in the heart of Oslo

Blooper of Rush hour 2

Never felt so judged at a book store

something my dad would do 😭

The front fell off?

Milo and his fireplace

Catch me if you can

I feel you printer.

Pookie woke up like this.


i found the stiff peaks setting on my drill.

Friend got this email from a car salesman

Kiddo dealing with an extra fussy mom

I’ll take two, please

Kangaroo hits the double jump button

Its just a normal day in India

On your mark…get set….GO

Doge vs water bottle

A rare migratory traffic cone

Seems cruel…

I found this in my son’s room; should I be concerned?

The Street Knows Her Name


Sign at the hardware store

Caught with his head inside the catnip bag

A choice was made today

My Nana hates your dog..

There is no such thing as luck. Everything is destined 😆

Thought I Spotted Jimmy Neutron’s Hair at Target

I didn't mean to

Mom found “some sort of trap” when we were culling invasive plants today

Summer's not yet over

[oc] anakin auditions for the jedi council

Spotted on the way to work - there’s either a dead body in there or a sleeping zombie!

Saw this passing through the neighborhood

We all know that you've done it

Typical cat

My city

I have funny fellow students